Martin Vích's blog

Hi I'm Martin Vích. For a long time I was working as a ASP.NET developer, now I'm focusing mainly on the front end.

How to instal Elasticsearch and Kibana on Docker

Elasticsearch and Kibana are pretty popular way to store, visualise and analyze data from your application. In this post I want to provide a fast and easy guide how to setup Elasticsearch and Kibana on Docker. I will not go deep with each parameter explanation since I don't want begginers to be flooded with stuff they don't need or understand.

Pretty much the only requirement is to have Docker installed.

First step is pulling Elasticsearch and Kibana images.

docker pull
docker pull

Second step is to create network for our containers because Kibana needs to be able to connect to Elasticsearch to get data it needs. In official docs you can see how to skip this stepp using --link parameter but that parameter is deprecated and can be removed anytime.

docker network create elastic

Then we create containers.

docker container create -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 --name=elasticsearch --network=elastic -e "discovery.type=single-node"
docker container create --name=kibana --network=elastic -p 5601:5601

Finally only thing we just need to start both containers. After a minute just go to localhost:5601.

docker start elasticsearch
docker start kibana

And we should see the result

Kibana welcome screen